Little Princess Trust News
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

The Little Princess Trust does not just provide free, real hair wigs for children but also funds vital research focused on finding kinder and more effective treatments for childhood cancers.
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
The Little Princess Trust does not just provide free, real hair wigs for children but also funds vital research focused on finding kinder and more effective treatments for childhood cancers.
As September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we will be informing our supporters of the incredible projects we back, why they are so important and how we can only fund them thanks to your support.
The Little Princess Trust Research Strategy.
Cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease in those aged 0-24, with around 12 children and young people being diagnosed every day.
Two out of ten of those will not survive their disease. There are still some childhood cancers with a poor outlook, and many treatments can have long-lasting side effects. Further research is therefore vital, and the aim of The Little Princess Trust is for as many children as possible to be cured and to significantly reduce or eradicate the side-effects of treatment.
Sadly, there has been very little improvement in the treatment for some types of childhood cancers in decades. We are committed to looking at things differently to try and change that. We work with the most skilled experts in this area and encourage new ideas and innovation, whilst maintaining scientific excellence.
For more extensive information, take a look at our The Little Princess Trust Research Strategy.
Our Aim
We fund research that will lead to kinder, more targeted, less toxic and more effective treatments for all childhood cancers.
We have no bias towards any specific cancer type, though we will only consider funding work which will lead to improvements in current practice and have a direct impact on the outcomes for children and young people with cancer.
Often research into childhood cancers doesn’t attract funding due to the lower incidence compared with adult cancers. We strongly believe that every child matters and each deserves the best chance of survival, regardless of their cancer type. We engage with researchers and clinicians to understand the specific priorities in the field of childhood cancer research. This particular research community is incredibly dedicated to its work and we support the retention of this talent within research into childhood cancers.
Our Research
Since 2016, we have committed more than £15million across almost 80 projects covering a range of childhood cancers.
The Little Princess Trust funds research projects in partnership with the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia group, (CCLG), as the founding partner of the CCLG Research Funding Network. CCLG supports The Little Princess Trust to fund world-class scientific research into childhood cancer, sharing our expertise in funding research.
Find out more about our research and grants here.
Amazing Breakthrough!
An example of an amazing breakthrough funded by The Little Princess Trust was finding the genetic root of Wilms’ which is a rare kidney tumour.
Understanding the root of the cancer promises to improve treatment and help prevent Wilms’ tumours returning.
The discovery by the team at the Wellcome Sanger Institute also increases the chance of one day being able to screen for cancers like this before tumours develop.
Tim Coorens, the first author of the study, said: “A good analogy for what we found is that Wilms’ tumour is not just an isolated weed on an otherwise well-maintained field.
“We discovered that the weed has an extensive root underneath the soil. Now we know we need to look for the patch of soil where the root has taken hold. If we remove that patch, the weed isn’t going to return.”
The Little Princess Trust, which gave a grant of £63,844 to the research project, was set up in memory of Hannah Tarplee after she was diagnosed with a Wilms’ tumour in 2005.
Read more here.
Thank you for your continued support
The incredible way we can both provide wigs and fund research is only made possible by the phenomenal work of our fantastic fundraisers. The small team at The Little Princess Trust is continually blown away by the staggering sums of money raised by its supporters as well as the tens of thousands of hair donations received each year.
Throughout Childhood Cancer Awareness month we will be posting about the research we fund, the impact of our wigs, our hardworking staff and our incredible supporters. Don’t forget to follow us on social media!
Instagram @officiallittleprincesstrust
Facebook @officiallittleprincesstrust
Twitter @LPTrustUK
To continue supporting us and creating Hair and Hope you can order a free fundraising pack.