Little Princess Trust News
Statement from our CEO on reasons to stay positive amid challenges ahead

Phil Brace's message to our supporters and partners as the country enters a new lockdown
I hope, despite the different circumstances, you were able to have a relaxing Christmas break and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and healthy New Year.
As we find ourselves faced with a national lockdown and tightening restrictions throughout the UK there are, of course, many challenges to occupy our minds and my sincere thoughts are with all of you at this time.
At The Little Princess Trust we always adopt a culture of positivity in even the most extreme circumstances. As I reflect, stand back and look beyond the current myriad of challenges I can see many reasons for optimism, and I am confident that the second half of 2021 will be markedly better than the first.
There are many more reasons for optimism in the longer term, too.
Whilst all the admin staff of The Little Princess Trust are now working from home as per government guidance, we are busy planning our future and how best we can deliver our charitable objectives and deliver our promise to give hair and hope to every child and young person faced with cancer.
On January 4, the builders started work on what will be the new HQ for our charity. Our new building will be named after founders, Wendy and Simon's daughter Hannah, who sadly lost her battle with cancer in 2005.
The Hannah Tarplee Building will be a reason for celebration as it will house all our staff, a state-of-the-art wig fitting salon, a wig manufacturing facility and a conference room that will welcome children's cancer researchers and oncologists from across the UK and beyond to share best practice and new treatments.
We are a small team, but we will be working to ensure we can reach even more children and young people in need of our service.
We will be expanding our voluntary board and introducing new skill sets, improving our processes and governance, and ensuring we are able to do what we say we do.
To fulfil our vision statement “to give hair and hope to every child and young person with cancer” we have to be hopeful.
There are more causes for optimism and hope as we look around the world: new administrations; sustainability of our planet; and selfless giving and caring for others.
As an organisation we value everyone as an individual and treat them with kindness and respect. We are approachable, open and accessible and we make time to treat everyone properly and fairly. We believe that we are stronger together and we look to build positive relationships and productive partnerships. We aim to create a healthy working environment, where everyone is included and everyone can be a leader.
We look after each other and we look after ourselves. We respect the world in which we live, and we remember to say thank you!
It’s this premise that keeps us focussed on our objectives for the year ahead.
Of course, 2020 was a year like no other, the pandemic has affected each and every one of us and we, like any other organisation, have had to react and change to the conditions with no roadmap.
We are working from home but are very much open. We continue to provide as many wigs as we did pre-covid but now in a virtual setting.
We continue to fund vital children's cancer research at a level greater than ever before, we continue to improve, and we will be there for every child or young person who needs us.
Yes, our resilience has been tested but we will stay positive and believe that tomorrow is a better day.
I am confident that we will soon see improvements and life can return to normal.
The charity sector has been challenged and we will need the support of our partner cancer hospitals, specialist cancer units, wig fitting salons, corporate supporters, staff, trustees, fundraisers, hair donors, suppliers and supporters.
Together we are better.
My sincere best wishes and, of course, thank you to all of our supporters.