Little Princess Trust News
Scissorman takes on the Manchester Marathon

Tim Wheeler reaches milestone run for The Little Princess Trust
Tim Wheeler is once again going the extra mile for The Little Princess Trust.
By taking on the Manchester Marathon, dressed as his superhero alter-ego ‘Scissorman’, Tim will reach a personal milestone.
For the run that takes place on April 14 will be the 15th occasion that Tim has completed a marathon complete with the colourful – and heavy – Scissorman kit tied to his back.
While most Trustees across the country play a vital role in taking responsibility for a charity’s governance, finances and property, Tim has always done that - and far more.
The 63-year-old, who has been Chair of The Little Princess Trust since 2011, has already run the 26.2-mile Manchester circuit seven times previously while his other running achievements include a marathon in his own back garden during lockdown.
Speaking on his running for LPT, Tim said: “It has always been a challenge to ensure that everyone who could benefit from the charity knows that a free wig is available.
“Scissorman was born to help raise funds and further the profile of the charity."
To best prepare for the event, Tim is making the most of the colder weather.
“Training in winter brings an opportunity to check over my costume to make sure everything is in good condition and looking smart,” he added.
“The costume weighs over 10kg and provides quite a lot of wind resistance and so any encouragement, particularly towards the end of the race, is very welcome."
As the former headteacher of Stockport Grammar School, Tim knows the Manchester event well and is looking forward to letting even more people know about the work of The Little Princess Trust.
He said: “There’s such an electric atmosphere around the course, and I have some great conversations about the charity along the way!”
“My motivation is the incredible work which the Little Princess Trust does – the charity has now provided more than 15,000 wigs.
“Running a marathon in a heavy awkward costume is not easy, but this certainly keeps me going!”
To make a donation towards Tim's fundraising, please click here.