Little Princess Trust News
LPT receives high praise in parliament

Young supporter gets a mention in House of Commons
The Little Princess Trust was praised in the Houses of Parliament thanks to the efforts of one brilliant young supporter.
Willow Jessica Phillips has raised more than £1,100 for LPT after donating 16 inches of her beautiful long locks to help us provide wigs to children and young people.
Lee Anderson, her local MP, congratulated her in the House of Commons before Jacob Rees-Mogg also spoke glowingly of Willow's support of LPT.
"I commend the Trust for its work and its fundraising, and for committing millions of pounds to supporting children directly and funding research on children’s cancers," added Mr Rees-Mogg.
"Willow’s efforts are particularly impressive: I wish her all the luck in the world in her fundraising, and I am sure she will raise as much as she possibly can."
Willow had her hair cut on Saturday at Elle K's Hair Design in Sutton-in-Ashfield - and the generous hair stylists did the cut for free in recognition of Willow's fundraising for LPT.
Phil Brace, from LPT, personally thanked Willow for her wonderful efforts when he called the salon moments before the big cut.
Visit this page to add to Willow's fabulous fundraising efforts.